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Scrum Model

The Scrum model is the most popular Agile model. Its iterations of software development are known as sprints. During these 1-4 weeklong sprints, teams assess the previous sprint, add new features (coded and tested functionality), and plan the next sprint. Changes are not allowed after the sprint’s activities are defined.

After each sprint, new features/items are added to be coded and tested in the next sprint. This occurs until all features have been added and the project is deemed ready for release.

Increased collaboration between cross-functional teams and between the organization and the customer reduces the guesswork and errors that often result from insufficient communication. Additionally, the incremental stages decrease time to market.

Enhanced communication reduces time spent resolving errors and increases the likelihood of the end user being satisfied with the product. However, this collaboration does require more input and time from the customer during the process. If too many features are requested and added, the team risks pushing back deadlines.